Landscape Designing

Landscape Designing

If you are willing to have a convincing garden that is neither finicky nor stilted, you must abide by best practices for Landscape design. However, going by the rules in a subjective field such as garden designing may sound tempting. Years of experience and studies in the area of landscaping reveal that professional as well as amateur landscape architects can create successful designs by following certain guidelines and best practices.

Here are some core principles for designing the Landscape of a pleasant garden:

1- Remember the principles of significant enclosure

The principle of significant enclosure states that to feel enclosed in an inhabited area, the vertical edge of the space must be at least one-third of the total horizontal length of that space. The principle can serve as a guide in designing enclosed patios, play areas, and extensive gardens. Going by the rules, the best gardens must modulate the sense of enclosure as well as openness, irrespective of their size.

Continue reading Basic Principles of Landscape Designing For Residential Gardens

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